Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Breath is stillness in slow motion.  It is involuntary and voluntary. Breath is the breast milk of source. We feel the movement of God through the movement of our breath.

Inhalation is the access to inspiration - the entering in of spirit. Exhalation is expiration - the exiting of spirit.

Breath is the central core of Being and is untouched by any negativity.  Breath transcends imbalanced emotions.

The breath in our body is a wave moving within the ocean of life as God.

Breath is the fuel of all that is known or ever will be known.

Every deep breath fuels and fires the brain cells and makes the mind a sharper and greater portal for knowledge and wisdom.

Breath being the Spirit of God is Eternal and extends from the beginning-less beginning all the way into the endless-end.

Breath is the affirmation of the Eternality of our soul.

Breath is our connection and access code to Eternity.

Birth and death are the two great facets of breath.  Upon birth the first axis of breath is the inhalation.  Upon death the last axis of breath is the exhalation.
We inhale our way into our body and exhale our way into our Spirit.

Every deep breath is a prayer for life and lengthens the physical lifespan. 
Every shallow breath denies life and limits the welcoming of God into the kingdom of our body and soul.

Every deep breath fuels and fires the brain cells and makes the mind sharper
and greater portal for knowledge and wisdom.

Every word is the movement of breath.  Every song is the melody of breath.

Breath is the fuel of ecstasy and bliss.

During the day plants and trees and all vegetation emits massive amounts of oxygen.

Mouth to mouth resuscitation brings the dead and dying back to physical life.

Breath is God within hiding in plain sight.

Breath is the supreme source of life that creates inner substance which then
becomes the form of manifestation.

Breath is the life force of us all and has no boundaries of separation.

Breath follows and empowers thought and feeling therefore we must be discerning about where we focus our mind and emotions.

To be negative toward any being is to be negative toward breath which blocks
our access to the greater blessings of breath.

Breath is the means by which I realize that I am happening to my life rather
than the illusion that my life is happening to me.

To be inspired is to be moved in creation by breath.

Breath is the access to the fountain of youth.

Breath is the evidence of our infinite abundance.

Breath is the activity of love.  To breathe is to love and to love is to breathe.

Deep breathing awakens Eternal remembrance as the wings of cosmic consciousness.

Astarius Miraculii

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